Wow! Thank you, Dr. Dee! My son started reading at age 5, before he started Kindergarten thanks to this book (Read Right! Coaching Your Child to Excellence in Reading by Dee Tadlock, Ph.D., New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005)! A year later he’s 6 and reading at a second grade level! I followed this book closely after Dr. Dee’s staff helped me with my own reading problem. I didn’t want my own kids to struggle the way I did when I was teen, so I was willing to do something different. The book lays out in detail (Chapter 3) the brain science of how excellent reading ability develops, then explains why young readers should NOT be directed to “sound out words” (decoding). The book covers the right way to help pre-schoolers acquire the basic phonics knowledge they need to figure out the complex reading process. We NEVER asked him to sound out a single word! (NOTE: In September 2020, her son was tested for reading ability by his public school. He was already reading at an upper Grade 1, Lower Grade 2 reading level.)